Thursday, 1 March 2012

Gough Street

My sweet sweet boyfriend say we eat with foody friends at On Lot 10 and it is on street of beef "ngau naam" noodle shops. I said "i wear 4 inch Louboutine. i no going!' and he drive BMW Z3 to take me. I am Central girl mah. How to walk there  
I did not know what foody friends said. They want sweetbread and no for me. I cannot eat bread and rice after 3pm or I gain weight but no one listen to me loh 

I was hungry and they give us salmon. Not as thick cut as Itacho Sushi and no egg yellow sauce but ok woh, good texture.  I want wasabi but sweet sweet boyfriend said it not Japanese restaurant.  
Then we eat articoke heart salad. I saw at $60 one at market. Leaves hard and do not know how to eat. Sweet sweet boyfriend told me to try and i ate. The egg not cooked and I scared. No Japan egg, I don't eat "one tsuen" egg but sweet sweet boyfriend said ok try la. Good woh. 

Fish soup was strong taste. All foody said good good but I didn't know. No ginger taste and not white.  
When next dish come, I think it is deep fried milk like "zhar sin nai". I eat little, like tofu, not bad texture. Then, my sweet sweet boyfriend said "it's pig's brain". I said "why no tell me I get mad cow disease!" and everyone laughed.  
I was happy when fish came. My girlfriends say eat fish with omega oil is good. Make my eyes beautiful and hair nice. Sweet sweet boyfriend so sweet. He get the fish "min chu deng" for me. I think those foody women jealous of me.  
The sweetbread came and I didn't see bread but rice. I like the meat, taste like meat. Much fat layer. Now everyone eat "gwud gao yuen" and sweet sweet boyfriend said the dish good. So i ate three pieces. Tomorrow, I go to spa for weight loss machine lot 
Next dish more pork and more gwud gao yuen. Sweet sweet boyfriend said eat and I eat. The black trifle on pork very strong taste. Pork taste like pork. Cannot what'sapp my girlfriend that I likey or they say I gain weigh too fat. 
The food ok, fish taste fish, meat taste meat. Good texture but restaurant not grand. No stool for my new Celine Nano. I put handbag on my leg. The wine we had is not sweet. I only like sweet wine but sweet sweet boyfriend drank it and said it good wine. He said leovill poyferre good wine and i remember name. 
It is not expensive dinner. Sweet sweet boyfriend said very good value of money woh 

I think i go back because food taste good and texture very very good. They can make place grand than I go back with girlfriends.